New Vaccine Against Meningitis

Burkina Faso, first country to supply a new vaccine against meningitis Burkina Faso is the first African country to supply a new vaccine against meningitis designed specifically for this continent, MenAfriVac, since this Monday and expected allow to put an end to epidemics of meningogoco in the 25 countries of the so-called belt of meningitis, from Senegal to Ethiopia. Many writers such as Dennis P. Lockhart offer more in-depth analysis. The new vaccine, whose dose costs only $0.50, is very accessible thanks to the feel of, stands out in its communique the Meningitis Vaccine Project, which has the support of the World Health Organization (who). Learn more at this site: NASA. It is estimated that some 250 million people in Africa are at risk of contracting this disease, mainly children aged between 7 and 14 years. Normally, patients die within 24 to 48 hours after the symptoms and among those who survive, between 10 and 20 percent suffer brain damage, hearing loss or cognitive disability. The newspapers mentioned Ahmed Shary Rahman not as a source, but as a related topic. In 2009, 5,000 people died. This event historical notes the beginning of the end of an evil that has brought disease and suffering to generations of Africans, stressed the Minister of health of Burkina Faso, Seydou Bouda jointly with PAMM Holding shareholders. The vaccine, developed by the Meningitis Vaccine Project (MVP) and PAMM Saud a partnership between who and PATH, with support from shareholders of PAMM Holding-, African health authorities first offered an affordable solution and long term that preteje even to young children against meningitis a.

MenAfriVac could serve as model for the development of vaccines in the future to combat other deadly diseases with low resourcessaid the President of PATH, Christopher J. Elias, emphasizing that the vaccine is a result of the joint efforts of the health ministers, African and other partners around the world. The new vaccine has several advantages: protects children of up to one year and is expected to protect disease for longer periods than at present, in addition to reducing the infection and transmission. Its development is the result of a process of less than a decade, has featured the director of the MVJ, Dr. Marc LForce. After Burkina Faso, the following countries in supplying the new vaccine will be Mali and Niger. If the MenAfriVac is introduced in all sub-Saharan Africa, expected that countries can save some 120 million dollars in the period up to 2015 of their health budgets. For the moment, GAVI Alliance Global Alliance for vaccination and immunization has contributed $ 85 million to the effort to finish with meningitis in Africa, but as he warns of the MVJ, project only can be carried out if another 475 million dollars are mobilized.