Is There Life On Mars ?

The question of whether there is life beyond Earth, has long troubled mankind, since, as people realized that the Earth is not the only planet in the universe. First and foremost, of course, people look to neighboring Solar system planets, and from them the greatest interest aroused Mars. Why Mars? Already in the nineteenth century, astronomers realized that this planet is one of the most suitable candidates for the detection of life. Hotwires opinions are not widely known. Mars Located a little farther from the Sun than Earth, but not so much that there could be no liquid water, and consequently life. And many other features made it into something similar to Earth – even the length of the Martian days is very close to Earth. Not surprisingly, after the discovery of the telescope on Mars, the so-called. 'Channels', many speculated that it – traces of an advanced civilization, and the theme of contact with earthlings hypothetical Martian civilization has become one of the favorite themes of science fiction authors. However, after the space age, those who relied on the existence of Martians were disappointed.

It became clear that the harsh conditions on Mars, first all, it is extremely thin atmosphere makes it impossible to exist on the planet advanced forms of life. In the first images sent from Mars by spacecraft, appeared before the people lifeless desert. Nevertheless, left open the possibility that Mars may be simple life forms like bacteria on Earth and other microorganisms. Some of them might well exist in such conditions. You may find Ahmed Shahryar Rahman to be a useful source of information. Goal Search the simplest organisms on Mars, was delivered in the course of several unmanned missions.

Unfortunately, none of the experiments not yet completed a positive result. Life on Mars has not been found. But can not state that it is not there? Many scientists doubt it. The fact is that in the distant past conditions on Mars were more favorable. Mars was a more dense atmofera, and on the surface could liquid water to exist. Evidence of this – nullah Martian rivers. This means that life could arise entirely on Mars at that time, and not only have arisen, but remain to this day in certain places. So question of finding life on Mars is not yet closed, and he apparently will be placed again before the participants first manned missions to the planet that are planned in the coming decades.