Word Rickets

Rickets For most mums the word 'rickets' conceals something scary. However, behind these words lies a well-defined problem – a deficiency of vitamin D. This unusual name of the disease was given the English physician and Bright comes from the English word that was considered the main manifestation of the disease. He suggested that the disease is associated with a deficiency of vitamin D, and offered to treat children with fish oil containing high concentrations this vitamin. In gratitude for the discovery of many European countries rickets called diseases of Brighton. Once it became known that the cause of the characteristic changes of bone tissue, which was observed in all countries long autumn and winter, is a deficiency of vitamin D, has started mass struggle against this disease.

It should be noted that in the former Soviet Union, prevention of rickets was posed the most appropriate manner. Number of children with rickets clinic was minimal. And basically it concerns children from rural areas, where traditionally children were fed with diluted cow, and sometimes goat's milk. However, in recent years no clear trend. Blooming rickets diagnosed in children from a fairly affluent families.

Mothers of these children should their health. But would still like the fact remains: these or other signs of rickets in children identified with an enviable regularity. Analyzing the causes of this phenomenon revealed that this situation is the result of two errors has become so common, including among health care workers. Misconception first. If the baby is bottle-fed, the prevention of rickets it is not necessary.