Wedding Dress

The wedding dress in the changing of times – from the Middle Ages until today there are many names that call the most beautiful day of your life: wedding, wedding, marriage, marriage, marriage. However, as he is also called the Federation for life, the public vow of loyalty two lovers, they (almost) all have in common the bride who enters a traditional white wedding dress down the aisle. This was and is not always so. The wedding dress was not always know the color white stands for purity, innocence and virginity. No wonder, then, that is the bride, at least in the Western world, in white walk down the aisle. The association between the virginal innocence and white haunted it already forever in the minds of the people, but a white”wedding was everything else as a long time and would be. The colour white for the wedding dress by and specifically for the big day continued only in the 20s of the last century’ tailored wedding dresses captured the market. In earlier times, only the nobility resorted to bright, made especially for the wedding wedding dresses.

To find the reason for this is in the mangelden budget of the normal”citizens. Hardly a woman could afford a dress for the wedding. Chief of Staff may not feel the same. You only wore so-called fine clothes for the wedding”, which could be worn even later for further high events, like about church,. However, the nobility has contributed much to the current look of the wedding dresses. Maria is considered to be one of the first brides, which in the bright festive garb to the altar steps, de’Medici. She gave the Yes-Word Heinrich IV in 1600 in the eierschalfarbenen dress made of silk.

In relation to the respective courtly tastes varied but still the materials and colours. More and more aristocrats attacked however to the white or cream-coloured robe, what White the colours”, confirmed at least in aristocratic circles, in the course of time more and more. There was the black wedding dress – a real fad festive garments for the wedding but since time immemorial, if also color and appearance were pronounced quite differently. The ancient Romans preferred an ankle-length tunic with wooden belts, excess robe and matching accessories such as veils and matching sandals. In the middle ages, the wedding garments were already significantly sumptuous. Rich fabrics of Brocade decorated with precious embroidery or jewels occupied Ed the brides at the time. While the wedding dress was considered as a status symbol: the grandiose the wedding dress in which often the family coat of arms incorporated the social position and wealth was higher. The cut of bridal gowns from the middle ages this focused after the respective mode. Mid of 15th century dominated with lace, deep necklines and round back snippets and thus replaced the coat-like upper garments. The Renaissance brought with generous cut, also fanned out high-standing collar, the so-called Medici collar dress forms, rises this epoch. At the end of the 16th century. Century black wedding dresses with long train and much lace collection, and it held not only in aristocratic circles. Also the middle class took up the trend of the Spanish Court, were black dresses but easy to clean and therefore long portable. Around the year 1900, black wedding dresses were also in, paired with white veils, they wore but almost exclusively well-off citizens. The peasantry resorted to festive costumes or clothes that carried them to the Church Hall.