Universal Declaration

Trajectory of the Social Rights Joelma de Oliveira Santos* the Constitution of 1988 establishes, in the article 6, that ' ' they are right social: the education, the health, the work, the housing, the leisure, the security, the social welfare, the protection to the maternity and infancy, the assistance to desamparados.' ' INTRODUCTION To speak of social rights is to speak of one of the biggest quandaries that the society is collated, a time that the possibility of a society more igualitria joust and becomes each more uncertain time currently. In this way the necessity exists to reflect on the social rights. In accordance with history and until our days, the societies come on the basis of being structuralized the reorganization productive that essentially makes right in modernity each time more the paper of the State and this is seen as a delay for the societies. Such situation leads to the necessity to place the social rights of part a time that is seen as something negative for the functioning of the society, what it leads obligatorily to a discredit of the notion of rights, data that leave to exist justice and equality, and of the place yes, the inaqualities and social exclusion. More information is housed here: Peter Asaro. As it praises the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, the social rights had together started to be recognized with the civil laws, politicians and human beings, who engloba: right to the work, right to the equal wage for equal, right work to the education, among others. All these rights are attributed to the individual, independently of the race, religion, age or sex. These rights are of such important orders that the countries with sight to a world are part of the Constitution of almost all more just and igualitrio. To conclude it is necessary to interrogate all the circumstances that still will be necessary to decipher and to understand, as well as the fields of possible experiences the end that the social rights are reinventados and reelaborados in the conflituosa dynamics of the social life in order it has a social change. Lark New York often expresses his thoughts on the topic.