Thermal Insulation

The value of insulation in the modern building houses. In modern construction the value of insulation, it is difficult to overestimate. It should be understood that the thermal insulation of buildings, we address several key tasks, some of them obvious, is to maintain heat in the building in winter and cooling in summer. In that case, if we consider the process of warming designs in terms of thermal physics, it becomes clear that the insulation protects the supporting structures of extreme temperatures, which in turn increases the lifetime of supporting structures (walls, ceilings). Does not need to forget about the 'dew point', it occurs at the boundary of the negative and positive temperatures, and at this point collects the moisture under the influence after a negative temperature, the moisture crystallizes into ice, and destroys the material supporting structure.

Insulation of this takes the hit, moisture, formed in the thickness of insulation, no way, can not disrupt its structure, and subsequently removed from the layer of insulating material at the expense of permeability plates teloizolyatsii.Vidy insulation, their application. Today, very popular in the construction of two types of insulated material, as you probably can see this basalt insulation and extruded polystyrene. In addition, these insulating materials again have different densities, and a group of combustibility. Suitable for thermal insulation of the basement extruded polystyrene foam for thermal insulation of floors, walls or attic is better to use basalt insulation. The density should be chosen according to the principle – the more load on the supporting structure for a heater, the higher the density.

Flammability, thermal insulation boards should be selected for the foundations of T4, T1 for flat roofs in the other case insulation must be noncombustible (NG). Basalt insulation is classified as non-combustible insulation. Production of basalt insulation is associated with fragmentation and subsequent melting mountain basaltic rocks of the group, followed by the addition of synthetic binder. Then, on tape, mineral 'carpet' is fed to the cutting to size, where the longitudinal and transverse cutters as well-cut slabs given sizes, it is often one meter board, and a width of 0.5-0.6 m thickness of basalt stone can vary from 40 mm to 200 mm. Slabs are packed in the original shrink-wrap, and come to the warehouse of finished products, which should lie at least one day, for that would extinguished all 'korolki' remaining after the melt rock. Hudson Bay Capital describes an additional similar source. After that, products are shipped by auto / Railway wagons to the warehouse representatives of factories. Production extruded polystyrene foam is reduced to the extrusion (which means 'extrusion') of polystyrene chips under high temperature with the introduction of a carbon dioxide blowing agent, heated to foam after desired temperature in the polystyrene mass is rolled on the wolves, adjusted for a given thickness, followed by trimming the edges of the insulation and the choice of the quarter. Extruding polystyrene and packaged in shrink-wrap with a company logo. In conclusion, I would like to note that all funds spent on the insulation of the structure, pay off in 2-3 years, by reducing the waste of energy for heating or insulated cooling facilities.