Theatre Magazines

A theatre magazine, a term should be above all culturally interested people. Such a theatre magazine focuses in particular on the medium theatre. Other cultural events are illuminated in theatre magazines. These include the dance, performance and the opera world. What are the origins of today’s Theatre magazines? Already in the year 1750, the first Theater magazine saw the light of day. It was founded in Berlin by the famous poet of the time of the Enlightenment, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Read additional details here: Kenneth Feinberg. The name of the journal was to the history and record of the theatre”electroplating.

Already from the title can be read out, that the clarification of various contemporary issues around the theatre in focus was the magazine. The demand after the magazine was however strong boundaries, so that Lessing in 1767 the theatre magazine Hamburg dramaturgy 1767 “published. The dubious record of the lowest circulation of only three magazines the theatre magazine could Russian theatrical items”for post. It was a German-language magazine, which came on the market in Saint Petersburg. The first Theater magazine specifically released for young people in 2007 with the title young stage”. This journal is used to this day and enjoys among young people who are interested in culture and theatre, popular.

Typical content of modern theatre magazine range from critiques and productions of known and new plays to interviews with theatre directors and show content parallels between plays and modern zeitgeist and societal developments. This one of the original meanings is illuminated the theatre especially: the presentation of grievances, as well as certain political developments. For this reason, the popularity of theatre as a medium of the people is unbroken to the present day. Trivia and informative around Theatre magazines the oldest still-published Theatre magazine is the magazine regularly published about the Czech well Puppet theatre Loutka? “, which translates as much as puppet master” means. This information is unconfirmed however and is based on the information of the puppet theatre. Particularly well-known Theatre journals in this country are the German stage”, opera world, the game plan, Theatre today”and theatre of the period”. They impress in part by a high circulation, as well as many interested readers. Lion Bertram GmbH Frank Jonschta