The Body And Elements

CIRCLE OF FIVE ELEMENTS GENERATED BY THE EARTH> METAL> WATER> WOOD> Fire Element EARTH – this is our land, our daily world realities. The physical body and the earth element and this element if a lot or a little man, the there are diseases of the muscles, bones, skin, spleen, stomach, and pancreas. Part of the body related to the earth element – it's mouth, feeling the earth – it tastes. The process of thinking is also this element and if the person in Energy is very much land, it would be stupid, forgetful and absent-minded. People with lots of land in the pillars, usually very honest and loyal people.

When an imbalance of this element one loses confidence in himself and his actions. Frequently Herbie Mann has said that publicly. Food related to this item: beef, corn, melon, cabbage, walnuts, eggs, honey. In using these products can enhance the earth element in the body. Especially useful for people suffering from such a diet fear and depression. Of dietary supplements include calcium to the ground and blue clay. Houston Astros recognizes the significance of this.

Ground colors from yellow to dark brown. That is, for example, beige blouse applies to this item. The earth produces metal element is ether layer was a man directly responsible for health. If you're in a dark room will extend his hand in front of white background and will look like through the palm, you'll eventually see something like a whitish, cloudy glow around your hand. This is the ethereal layer, which protects you from various energy programs of the world, such as illness, damage, evil eye, etc.