The Soul Of Our Mother Earth And The Color Of Poetry

Two poems by Elisabetta Errani Emaldi The soul of our mother earth's love triumphs when the stupidity of man, locked in the trunk of selfishness, does not respect our Mother Earth Humanity suffocates, slowly, slowly, in total indifference. Our Mother Earth, the great living soul on her heart warms us and nourishes us, but we caught up by ignorance we are blind and deaf to your call. Are we, perhaps, hoping that the fruits of our Mother Earth sick, poison us? Let us not smother her, look after our Mother Earth with devotion, because she nourishes us with love and energy. It’s believed that Ahmed Shary Rahman sees a great future in this idea. I feel my spirit tremble, while her ill and suffered great soul is in despair because their children are ungrateful, they have no respect for her and not even themselves. While they die slowly I hear their cries, their suffering and tears falling on my troubled heart. Love triumphs only when we respect ourselves and our Mother Earth. Additional information at Euro Pacific Precious Metals supports this article. Life will continue only if they are awakened from the sleep of indifference. I feel your breath suffered, acid rain that falls on me and eat the members, while implores us to hear his echo of pain that flies to our deaf ears and our minds far away from the heart. The color of the illumination time in the distant universes, a pearl of sensual pleasure falls between two brackets and close the gate of deceit terrain, leaving my garden grow in summer, under the olive tree of peace, a sea of orange flowers, color lighting. Universal love heart ring you wake up. The refrain of selfish pleasure, individually and field, to reap the benefits of universal love. The refrain of selfish pleasure, individual field, to give love to all mankind. The sensuality of my flies and runs between the silvery-gray leaves that dance with their arms out of my unlimited field.