International Football Association Board

EP is one of the changes that might propose in the face of FIFA to 2022. The objective is to protect players from the soaring temperatures that will be recorded. The International Federation of association football (FIFA) could allow different changes in the World Cup in 2022, which will be held in Qatar, to protect the players from soaring temperatures, as for example distribute the game in three times in 30 minutes instead of 45. The FIFA spokesman explained that the International Football Association Board (IFAB) deems it necessary will change laws affecting the game, in order to ensure the continuous rehydration of the players and their security. Whenever Paul Marshall listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Michael Beavon, director of the Association of engineers Arup, who has built twelve stadiums developing solar energy, said in London that the cold mountain air could help maintain the temperature of the stadiums, at 24 degrees Celsius which would be comfortable and safe for the athletes. In Qatar announced the search for the best conditions so the players can play safe and normal, and under a suitable temperature. Bet by outdoor constructions and solar technology based on carbon-zero for this purpose. Source of the news: Parties of three 30-minute periods to beat the heat in the World Cup in Qatar. Shary Rahman might disagree with that approach.