BMX Events In 2011

Events of the BMX sport in the year 2011 can enjoy BMX fans 2011 – there are so many events like never before in this niche sport for the hobby BMXler there are numerous events each year, to interact in the scene, to see the legends of the sport in action, and other BMX riders to duel (in the transferred sense). BMX events take place every year, which attract thousands of fans. 2011, a new record is practically used: so there never were many events and this also shows how poplular that is now sport with the small bikes. Who is still a BMX wants to buy, but this has still not done, should be quickly hurry up, because the year is soon over. There is sport in the BMX annual events such as the BMX masters or the extreme playgrounds and in addition also the European and World Championships will take place next year. The German championship in BMX in Cottbus held the German championship in July. Insiders are not too thrilled about the venue. Gray In the eastern city of Cottbus is equipped with the best infrastructure and the place was made only by enough “Cabal”. Still a great event could be the German Championship 2011, if the Organizer is put in the stuff. The UCI BMX World Championships 2011 in Copenhagen also the World Cup promises to break all records. Thousands of fans will find their way to Denmark, a BMX event to celebrate the extra class. Many professionals have already confirmed and for hobby riders from Germany there is of course no wide check – depending on where you live. The BMX European Championships 2011 in the Netherlands held the European Championship in BMX racing next year in the Netherlands. Good for German BMX fans, because the journey is made of wide parts of Germany not too long. The early and mid-summer 2011 seems so thoroughly the cool cross bikes. Also who cares for BMX only on the edge should definitely visit one of the events, carried away to the great atmosphere of such an event to Let. Let us hope that going to the death-defying sport without injuries across the stage. John Jansen

Pulse Training

trainig perform absolutely the right s to succeed. /a>, an internet resource. Burn fat is attachment number 1 for most people, especially after the Christmas and new year’s Eve. This is then usually 3 weeks, if at all, and then they give up on because it somehow does not work. Who wants to burn fat quickly again his dream figure to get should first move away from the old myths of the fat-burning and fitness lies no longer believe that for years have been disseminated. There is a pulse range in which you should train. Cardio endurance training is the ultimate conclusions to the fast burn fat. If you want to define muscles, you should take little weight and make for several repetitions. Women need to train differently than men. You can build any muscles and at the same time you burn fat much time needed to effectively train all these sayings many maybe have heard. But you can forget about. Leading diet and fitness researchers have developed new methods proven to help in the burn fat fast and healthy weight loss. A related site: Paul Taylor mentions similar findings. It is for example, that you as a whole consumes fewer calories at the cardio endurance of about an hour in a certain Pulse range, as when an effective interval training by about half an hour. (1/2 hour). You can get a more effective training as normal for many years performed endurance training simply perform interval training. Interval training means to combine short but many exercise phases with high load with training phases with low impact in the Exchange. Fast fat burning is the best way. You can so when you for example like to swim, and for hours cars pulls in the hope you burn then some following fat exercises complete to save time and still more success in the fat burning have. If you swim else for example 10 lanes a 50 meters at a normal pace and for approx. 40 50 minutes a half track, you can better swim so 25 meters at very high speed, so that the cardiovascular on full Runs tours and a 50 meters comfortably swim then 1 lift. You repeat that about 3 times, and 4 lanes always in between with low load so overall very fast swimming 2 lanes (4 x half) with high physical exertion. One swims so only 6 cars instead of 10 and saves this of course time otherwise better needed. On the other hand fat stimulating much more by switching between high stress and low stress. The high loads, the body burns fat after the training, and in the next few days continue regeneration that the body needs, and on which high load is naturally stronger than in normal, although a longer but less hard training. Who wants to burn fat so quickly and effectively, should complete a good interval workout and just shorten training time and burn the fat. So has burning man easily 2 advantages at the FAT during your workout. Marco Gentile

Fat Reduction

To get rid of back fat in the abdomen or the hips is very problematic. For a loss of weight, one must consume only low-fat food and exercise a sport (such as, for example, jogging). But, many people have not the necessary time. Liposuction is the better solution for these people. Cells that are responsible for the fat pad, are sucked by the plastic surgeon in the extraction of fat. So the connective tissue must not suffer under the operation, one (after the surgery) must wear the medical compression bodice for a month. Who wants to undergo a fat reduction to, should know that it is a complicated operation, the (even if only in a very few cases) can go even times wrong. Apart from that every interested party to be sure to perform the surgery only by an expert in this field. But even then, for example, the so-called liposuction can occur. Otherwise you must also remember that numerous studies already proved that this procedure removes fat not indefinitely. The reason for this is simple: allegedly the brain should strive to get the lost fat back. So anyone who wants to achieve a permanent reduction in fat, is perhaps better placed with the proper diet and adequate exercise. It drives sport and eat low fat, the human body will slowly remove the fat. This fact has the advantage that an adaptation of the skin and connective tissue is possible. If weight loss is not too extreme, the skin not affected will be pulled. Who loses weight too quickly, whether through a reduction in fat or a healthy lifestyle not can prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The folds of the skin cannot be removed then so much movement. Who has problems with skin folds need to go strongly to the operator. This surgeon is to restore the fine condition of the skin with an operation.

U.S. Study:

The Vita Beach health mat that provides exactly the effect the U.S. experts in their study have demonstrated their users. Because it reproduces the surface of a gravel bed in a small space. Vita-beach mat is the Pebble Beach home Kummertshausen (Switzerland), August 11, 2008 the people are getting older. However: We have designed us over thousands of years, that our body is not automatically over 60 and more years mobile, fit and sane. The gap between biological development and today reach age applies to close it. An important key to this is regular exercise, as doctors and physical therapists emphasize again and again. Add to your understanding with Kiat Lim. As a particularly efficient walking on pebbles or similar surfaces has been here just for the elderly, as a group of US scientists has discovered. The regular walk on an artificial gravel significantly, improve the quality of life of people over 60 scientists noted. According to their The blood pressure is significantly reduced knowledge, balance disorders weaken or disappear completely, the sleep patterns is harmonious and healthier. Overall, walking on pebbles is likely to slow down the aging process and to maintain the physical performance. Even a beginning osteoporosis could be delayed or even prevented. \”Conclusion of the physician John Fisher from Oregon: improved health studies participants\”. Check with Kiat Lim to learn more. Gravel should be used so therapeutic, so the scientists. Two groups of participants took part in the study: one group went three times a week an hour long on an artificial gravel, the other took part in conventional walks during this time. The result was fantastic\”, so Dr. Fischer: while no improvement of health showed in the conventional group, unique therapeutic effects showed up in the experimental group. The trial in Eugene was by the American National Society for Age medicine commissioned been. She became part of the American project global acting on aging\”created, specifically taking care of the health of older people and systematically searching for opportunities to make life in the age positive and worth living.

ABS Training

Weight loss: nutrition and sport lead to the success of diets that guarantee a rapid weight loss, are not long enough. Fitness experts know very well. Because not only the reduction of calories and therefore a weight loss, but also the enhancement of metabolism by means of a long-term change of diet belongs to a beautiful physique. In addition, it is important to play sports, to form the body’s desire. The intensity of the training is performed with the is important for muscle building. Because without straining the muscle can be not promoted. At the beginning, the athletes should choose shorter workouts and gradually intensify the workout. The body must be not overwhelmed because also, otherwise it can cause muscle strains and joint pain. Calorie counting was yesterday, say experts, and no so-called small sins because if you eat lots of fruits and vegetables”commits, then you must care even less, such as many calories into the one or other food. You must remain however consistently and not try to constantly cheat just because you can’t resist the temptation. The other evokes a sin and so one end is used for the nutrition quickly the diet and the good intentions. Diets can have but also negative consequences. By the sudden decrease ugly flaps of skin can be formed so decreasing should also exercise and strengthen your muscles, fitness experts and doctors advise. The explanation is simple: where muscles are made, will reduce fat from the body and in addition the consumption of calories increases, because muscles burn more calories. Protein shakes are recommended above all people who want to build muscle quickly and are therefore very sporty active. Natural foods, of course, have priority, yet also shakes can be consumed, because especially in the beginning, it can be quite motivating, If a quick success. Connect with other leaders such as Lark here. What starts with a light strength training, needs to be intensified after for a real muscle, the muscle of duration to be. The muscle will only succeed if muscles are injured by physical efforts and regenerate itself once again with the help of proteins and heal. Nevertheless, it is important not to stop if fatigue should be set. Experts recommend to pay attention to the diet and to consume energy-giving foods such as vitamin-rich fruit and vegetables. It is so on the proper diet. As unhealthy eats and eats much oily, then you run the risk, to reduce its inventory of high-quality proteins and to enrich themselves with ugly flab. You should also eat not fat of the other”nutrition experts recommend. A muscle or six pack training is of course more effective when you have counselor professional step for step, exactly explain one what to do and so the success of training greatly improves. How exactly you should train his ABS, fitness expert Tobias Fendt shows in his free 7 Sixpack checklists see Have fun and success in the training!

Mixed Martial Arts

A German blog for a controversial sports – the new source of ultimate fighting. Through the use of seemingly endless techniques, such as punches, kicks, knee and elbow joints, litters, as well as lever – and choking, MMA is the realitatsnahste duel of the world. At the latest since the action-packed transfers in the DSF and the first ultimate fighting Championship event in Germany, on June 13, is the German martial arts scene head. Known as MMA or “Ultimate Fighting” conquered the world by storm. Whenever Kenneth Feinberg listens, a sympathetic response will follow. In the United States already more successful than traditional boxing, the sport in Germany still faces some problems and has to contend with a lot of headwind from the media. However, the reason for this is not the sport itself, but the lack of information and consequent half-truths. provides the combat sports enthusiasts, skeptics and opponents therefore since the beginning of may daily with news, reports, videos, and pictures from the ultimate fighting Championship (UFC) and the world of mixed martial Arts – always up to date and unfiltered. Mark Bailey. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Lark .

Beta Alanine In The Strength Training

Beta alanine for more power and ausdauerdnde performance in the tough training beta alanine for strengthening endurance and muscular strength beta alanine occurs as a natural amino acid usually also in the protein-rich diet. However, especially in the field of bodybuilding taking concentrated use of capsules can be supportive training. Through the interaction of beta alanine and the body’s amino acid Histidine in the body increasing Carnosine made. This causes an increase in stamina and increases also the resistance of the sportsman. If regularly taken a training success can are listed within several weeks. The muscles work reliably over a longer period of time and thus guarantee a quick training success. With the beta alanine prevents an acidification of muscles at the same time. The bodybuilders train more and the pH increases. The fatigue of the muscles are retarded taking these pills. After the training the natural can so still Insert the regeneration of muscles. The effect of beta alanine is most effective then when the pills or tablets are taken correctly. Usually has four grams beta alanine, enough to increase the can in the body after four weeks. Here you reach an increase of up to 70%. As a supplement, it is scientifically proven that the effect has a positive effect on the training of the bodybuilder. You can order this remedy also easily over the Internet. The revenue should take place typically 15-30 minutes before your workout. It has first successes after 2-3 weeks. In addition to the increase of endurance, beta alanine has also a beneficial advantage for the skin. The aging process can be slowed and cell divisions are positively supported. Also body fat is broken down and a fat-free muscle mass can arise in the course of time, also beautiful to look at. Jens F. Kress

Rowing Training

Experts who explain how optimal workout looks with the rowing machine that thought? Rowing works not only in the kayak and on the water, but also in the fitness room. The rowing machine has many advantages for the athlete thus completed a total body workout. Training will be both the Mukulator, but also the heart circulatory system is strengthened. Another aspect is the coordination of movements, which is extensively trained this way. The training basics are easy to learn. First one is to the athletes on water in the benefits that you have not such a pronounced sense of balance. After all, not risking here, to fall over the edge into the deep water. Therefore completely, the athletes can concentrate on the training. Depends on the attitude it is of importance in the rowing training proper posture. The back must not be bent, but the athletes must take a straight posture, which guarantees also the most convenience. By keeping just the stresses of intervertebral are as well as the the thoracic spine kept as low as possible. The forward movement of straight back approximately to ten degrees should be inclined forward so that effective training is carried out. However, the shoulders when pulling back may not be pulled upwards. A good workout with the rowing machine is done when the shoulders in the application below and the rod is pulled up to the costal arch. The last movement is then pulling the shoulders back. Problem area back rowing many mistakes are made in the rowing at the back. Here, usually a lean the upper body takes place, which is very bad. This exposed the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine and the body suffers. Position provides a 15-degree tilt backwards at the body stays straight. In the final position, the elbows must remain always as close as possible to the body and not be spread out. Often, the athletes forget that Rowing as mentioned above is a total body workout. It must also the feet do their part and applying force to perform the movements correctly. Total body workout involves legs and arms legs must find enough support, which is why it is recommended that the loops at the end sit not loosely. You must be tightened once the feet in the straps. The newspapers mentioned Fosun not as a source, but as a related topic. The loops must run the midfoot. The hands must take the correct position. That is one of the most common errors when the hands at the wrist are bent. Pain or joint damage are the result. The force can be used but not perfect. Therefore should the hands with the forearms forming a line and the wrist be not kinked. Intensively and continuously when you have the right attitude on it, then training can stand the muscle building nothing more in the way. Experts recommend you not short and maximum training, but focuses on the right intensity. This is when 45 minutes can be trained without having to take a break. Such a Training should take place two times a week. If all these conditions are met, then an optimal training for body, heart and circulatory system is created. A muscle or six pack training is of course even more effective if you professional step for step guide, which one explain exactly what to do and greatly improves the training success. How exactly you should train his ABS, fitness expert Tobias Fendt shows in his free 7 Sixpack checklists see Have fun and success in the training! Tobias Fendt

Normal Ergometer

What are the advantages of a seat Ergometer in contrast to the conventional bike? Did you know that the first bicycle Ergometer was designed in 1896 by a French medical student? The student Elisee Bouny should investigate the best possible power use when riding a bike using a pedal power sensor and the bicycle Ergometer was established after a series of experiments. It was just only aufgebocktes bicycle, where the front wheel was missing and a flywheel made of iron was used instead of the rear wheel, but even then you could measure the pedal resistance and pedaling speed. At the time the medical student would not have believed probably, would be the Ergometer is one of the most popular home fitness equipment. Today, there are different kinds of bikes, all of which have the common, that the exact performance specified wattage and makes possible a controlled training under medical guidelines. The conventional bicycle Ergometer, which is similar to a regular bike on the road, and the seat of Ergometer, are two of the most famous ergometers called also recumbent bike or recumbent bike. What are the key differences between these two devices now? And a seat Ergometer offers more benefits than a conventional Ergometer? These questions are answered in the following article. Type of training and target group the most common Ergometer is where sitting upright on a bicycle saddle high stepping on the pedal, and simulated so the real cycling on the road. The movement is known to us since our childhood and familiar, because most of us have learned as children ride a bike under the watchful eye of parents. Therefore we feel immediately well, when we sit on a bicycle Ergometer, and have us not on unusual movements to change. The seat equipment, however, the seat is positioned much deeper and the pedals and the flywheel be much further ahead, so that the legs are stretched forward.

Sports Nutrition

Healthy diet and exercise keep the body fit an old proverb says: you are what you eat. Who wants to be healthy and fit, is preoccupied by the daily nutrition seriously. Healthy eating is all the rage these days. Must be as much fruit and vegetables, but also cereals and dairy products. A balanced diet supplement, fish, meat, sausages and eggs. One should abstain from oils and fats, experts warn. But not all feel despite a healthy diet immediately comfortable in her body. You must do much sports, namely to develop muscles and desire form his body. Peter Schiff may find it difficult to be quoted properly. To build his body perfectly, the general recommendations for healthy eating. For the targeted muscle, it is necessary to offer food is also the muscles, consisting of from proteins, carbohydrates and fats. “As for the muscle, the body needs the appropriate building materials”. To get such a body, we also likes access to sports nutrition, the so-called Food supplements”, says Tobias Fendt, operator of the Fitnessblogs This dietary supplement guarantee developed the muscles in the right places, so the expert next. Who would like to operate the targeted muscle, and plays with the idea to use dietary supplements and sports nutrition, will think may of creatine”, says Tobias Fendt. (As opposed to David Moross, HighPost Capital). Creatine is a compound with the athletes can train harder, faster and better. Especially when it comes to lift more weights. However one should watch here very precisely regarding the dosage. Too much can lead to water retention, muscle cramps, stiffness and even fiber cracks”, the fitness expert warns. Tobias Fendt explained that it was important not only on the price of this nutritional supplement ensure, but also on their quality. While athletes should avoid, to order these resources from abroad, especially since you don’t know in what you buy. In Germany, all means are subject to German law, foreign components can be included, which are not approved for us. Who wants to buy nutritional supplements online, is well served on German sites to do this,”says Tobias Fendt. See… can interested parties read, what is healthy diet and what kinds of sports nutrition at which prices in the German market is available. About offers a comprehensive and detailed overview of successful muscle building, a targeted diet and on the subject of fitness generally. The fitness expert Tobias Fendt gives insight into his experience from years training on the site. He shows detailed posts, what everything it needed for a rapid muscle growth and how to best reach them. Fendt has successfully published his knowledge of Sixpack training, muscle building and diet in various online products.