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Hope – Rainer Sauer/Deushomo. Excerpt from the spiritual advisor and read book “Deus Homo” by the Karlsruhe author Rainer Sauer as is to see that hope is conjecture anchored not in reality, describing our faith in the future improvement of our current condition considered generally valid. So just maybe correct or incorrect conjecture is, which exists only in our imagination and our improvement on uncertain way speculate can be without any actual real significance. Nicholas Carr has much to offer in this field. “We are moving to a better location” to which logically implies that we ourselves now in a so-called worse position “are. Current is always with negativity in-loaded. Here we can then lead the argument, that we can improve thus always just, it is so giving to hope, when we us according to this model, Declaration on the General supposedly better to move, what but at closer inspection as not really real are used to detect; “as we move into the better Yes always only fictitious, in fact never really there we arrive, as the present, where we always and always are, by this limiting unreal statement way in the definition of perpetual bad condition” have frozen. “This interpretation of hope is based as we can, seen clearly on the dualistic embossed trim system, which as a basis for the two opposites well” and “has and therefore not helpful acts on a solution-oriented approach to our life situation. We live and develop although undeniably in a terrestrial environment, which is a special atmosphere to physical conditions and dual values systems, which also generally supports our individual prosperity. We restrict the flexibility and mobility of our consciousness but that, if we assume the dual terrestrial phenomena as ultimate reality and thus the intuitive experience close the universal laws. It is so much better to go to meet so the true character of hope in the truth and not, as usually assumed in belief systems located to find so their origin with the divine reality in touch.