Seminar Successful Leadership

The orenda Publisher in Gaufelden new date for 2012 Announces staff leadership seminar for staff and team leadership gives the trainer, coach and consultant Erich Erwin Weissmann participants be accumulated knowledge of leadership and management methods that have proven themselves in 20 years of practicing in his company and the companies of its clients and participants trained with them. Participants in the seminar to learn the success factors in personnel management and use. In this leadership training, participants improve their leadership skills step by step. After a previous analysis of the own leadership, they recognize the strategic sinvollsten starting point for improving the own Furhungskompetenz. The participants in this leadership training vital tools to personnel management, such as: different leadership styles, situational to identify the appropriate leadership styles and apply. Other topics of the seminar are: effective communication in the Successful delegation system delegate leadership, by the orenda, cooperative agreements on objectives and a team erfolgreiche lead to a solution of the problem.

The executives who participate in this seminar, will also receive a guide for reliable personnel planning, recruitment and the successful induction of new employees. The participants trainierne many other important instruments that make easier the daily life as an Executive. Erich Erwin Weissmann is the founder of the orendatrainings for holistic success and owner of two companies, the orenda Instut and the orenda Publishing House for holistic success in Gaufelden in the Stuttgart area. He coached since 1984 holder, Director or Board of Directors of medium-sized companies, as well as freelancers and managers in the area of success training and personal coaching. He has also worked since 1986 as a consultant and coach for strategic management for mid-sized companies. Seminar providers: Orenda Publisher for holistic success settler 46 71126 Gaufelden Tel. (07032) 7889-0 fax. (07032) 7889-78 leadership training author: Oliver Weissmann