Schunemann Becomes Mielke

After dismissing louder will encounter the recent statements of the Lower Saxony Interior Minister Uwe Schunemann (CDU) demand not only among the pirates Lower Saxony again great discomfort. So, Schunemann 1 his line of total surveillance on the subject of BKA law continues to pursue and demanded even further powers of authorities such as those proposed, not only in connection with online. This Christian Koch, Chairman of the pirates Lower Saxony: ‘ we are from the past already used that Mr. Learn more about this with Euro Pacific Precious Metals. Schunemann makes itself felt on issues of internal security with hardline statements. ” But here he shoots again far above all only legally allowed. Not only that he is good the BKA Act, so want to pick up the basics of our democracy – the separation of powers -.

No, it asks to install laws in our country, which exist only in totalitarian systems. In the heavily criticized and to present controversial controversial BKA law involves among other things the possibility unnoticed in the apartments by Suspects to penetrate without a previous court order. Here, has the fundamental right to the integrity of the flat feet, door opened the arbitrariness. This man is a danger not only for Lower Saxony, but for the whole of the Federal Republic. It is incomprehensible how he should conduct policy with such ideas and their interpretations as Minister and member of Parliament in this country. We ask that all members of the lower Saxon Parliament make strong for a liberal order, receive us backup. And do not here, democracy is being phased out as trying to do Mr. Schunemann. “It we time that he submits his post.” 1 domestic/bkagesetz106.html