Retention In Care Professions

Christian Bock: Nurses in the field of professional identity and reality in the face of the dramatic lack of skilled workers in the nursing profession has become it for hospitals and nursing homes a focus, to bind their nurses despite constant work summarization in the long term to the company. Another image but is reflected in the practice: lack of respect and insufficient appreciation of the work done can nourishing the joy of her profession take. This has significantly adverse effects on work motivation and, if missing the appreciation on the part of the employer, also on the retention. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Bob Swan. This is the core results of psychological research was awarded in its history with nurses from various areas of the elderly, health and nursing about their professional identity experience, their workload and their impact on the loyalty to their company. While psychologists a human oriented design of working in organizations request, must more and more elderly people are provided by fewer caregivers. Shortage of workers, increasingly dependent persons in the context of demographic change, a continuous reduction of foster care in recent years, and the work summarization was diagnosed as resulting provide for ever-higher workloads in the nursing profession. There are healthy and motivated employees for businesses economically highly significant, because they are more productive, have fewer sick days and more frequently recommend the company. Based on a research work at the University of Bremen Arbeitspsychologe Christian Bock presentational offers insight into the worlds of experience, some with regard to their professions, their identity experience as caregivers and their relationship to their companies. Why have they chosen the nursing profession? What stereotypes they are confronted? They have what (nursing) ideals? How do you see their relationship to their employers and what can companies do to nurses over the long term to to bind? Christian Bock has taken up these issues and discuss them in the context of motivational insights.