Quality Metal

If your site is a not – talk to your webmaster c. The fact that the presence of a keyword in the title page is very important for search engines. Therefore, you may need upgrading the site code. 3. Brake down the image into several sections and come up to each of them the title.

The number of sections depends on the volume of articles can be, there will be two or three, maybe more. In the section headings should also be present in the query word. For example, one section headings in our case could be so – ‘Quality Metal’ Note that heading to write such letters, which have pointed out that this is indeed the title. Here, Florida Senator expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the simplest case, a special style of the font – “Title”. If you do not know how to do it, you can simply select bold color, capital letters, size, etc. 4.

ALLOCATES Keywords in bold. The following paragraph is an example of such a release: “… the second, equally important component of the metal – its decorative layer, which simultaneously also serves as protection. It is usually made of a polymer. Finally, the third determining component of the metal can be considered her profile. Profiling sheets of tile takes place after the deposition of protective layers and takes place on the factory-manufacturer of metal. The models differ in metal pitch, pattern and depth profile …. ” No need to allocate a search word wherever it occurs. This will prevent the reader can make it a bad read. But few of these selections – font, color, size, or even necessary to make the robot to search engines saw the significance of the word “metal” in the the text. 5. IF YOU publish an article on another site, make, if possible, in a word search link on your site. So in our example, we can make reference to the word “Metal.” This link should lead to the page our website, where just said about the roof, the roof and metal. Get more background information with materials from Craig Menear. However, the link can be done by publishing an article on its website. Then the link will lead, for example, a page where a description of the mark metallocherpitsy, which sells your company. 6. Splits STORY OF LITTLE Paragraph. This is to ensure that the article could be read easily and quickly, which is very important on the Internet. The size of a paragraph within the recommended three or four lines. At the same time do not even need to in one paragraph has been completely finished the thought. 7. And the last recommendation – KNOW MEASURE:) The keyword should appear in the article with the natural frequency for normal text. The frequency of this relative – the greater the article, the more such words may be in the text. Sometimes cause the following data: the frequency of the keyword should be between 5-7%. But, apparently, quite reasonable restriction would be naturalness and readability of the text, after all its upgrades. Still, your article is intended not only for the robot, but also for the reader living – person. PS As a “bonus” is another recommendation: – if you want an even higher to lift the weight of the page where your article is posted, do other sites link to it with this text, which includes the keyword.