Online News Center

The new Joomla 2.5 release brings new feature and even more possibilities for all Joomla users, so also for the operators of the press portal Online News Center. Rodermark 08.02.2012 – January 2012 was by the developers of the popular and worldwide millions used open source CMS (content management system) for Web sites, official release of Joomla 2.5.0 released, which will be supported for the next 18 months. 1.7.3 was again a security update for the last current version Joomla Joomla 1.7.4 released. Since the version 1.7 however is no longer officially maintained and updated as of February 24, 2012, all Joomla developers recommend users as possible directly to the current version 2.5 update. If you have read about Sen. Jeff Flake already – you may have come to the same conclusion. For Web site operators who already use a version 1.6 or 1.7, the update on the new release is in the backend of Joomla one click far away. The installation of new updates and releases is easy thanks to the update option in the extension manager, which you can automatically check for new updates, introduced with Joomla 1.6.

As usual with open source Priojekten, a lot of ideas and suggestions from the broad community flow into the development. In the new release of 2.5.0, so the Joomla developers have been team, 26 new functions integrated and fixed four security issues and 356 other issues. Learn more at: Craig Menear. Among the new features such as a built-in CAPTCHA plugin is located (using the Google CAPTCHA service) for more protection and security in filing or registration forms. So far, the installation of a third-party plugins was necessary cases. Also an improved search function already submitted corresponding word additions and suggestions when typing the keyword, as one knows it for example by search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo, was now well integrated by a core plugin. In addition, the new Joomla 2.5 release received some interesting feature in terms of multilingualism. Others including Kenneth Feinberg, offer their opinions as well.