Licensing Committee

Passport Director (editel) or passport trustee 4. Power of Attorney, if the interests of providing trustee 5. Statement (adost) established Licensing Committee (ivnostnsky uad) format 6. Payment of state fees for receiving and processing Licence in the presence of properly completed documents happens after 20 days (the statutory period). When getting ready to document a director or trustee you should have an identification document and the date the registration document is a legal entity in which a license is issued. The above procedure of registration license for a legal entity Czech relates to the production of simple and most commonly used types of licenses available. It should be noted that the license may be required to requirement of providing a responsible representative (zastupce) with the Czech higher education of the direction in which he has a special or higher education and that will be issued a license.

Responsible Representative (zastupce) – a person having Czech citizenship or permanent residence in the Czech Republic, which has Czech higher education (I) or European education recognized (nostrify) in the Czech Republic. Responsible (zastupce) an individual who provides services at registration license, and further provides consulting and supervisory functions of the activity, in which responsible (zastupce) have higher education, and to be licensed. When obtaining a license to the services responsible (zastupce), applied to the package of documents: 1. identity document responsible representative. 2. notarized copy or the original document (diploma) of graduation 3. services agreement between the Czech representative and responsible legal entity to which will be framed license (notarized) Procedure for obtaining a license (s) occurs in the licensing committee.

Entering data on the current license in the data on firm going in the Municipal Court in Prague. This is a separate procedure requires the following documents and costs: 1. photocopy of the license 2. statement (navrh) with the notification and request a change to registration data entity (with the director's signature or attorney, notarized) 3. State fee (chopping) value of 1000 crowns. Examination of documents and amendments (the presence of the firm licensed activity) in the data entity happens in fourteen days and confirmed on making for nearly to the legal address of the firm. As there is a liquidation procedure license. It involves handling the licensing committee with a statement of Elimination issued before the license (s) and the expectation of a written notice to the registered address of the firm. After receipt of the notice must also undergo the above procedure in the city court of Prague. It’s believed that Elsabet Jones sees a great future in this idea. Only after this in the data record sheet (write out) the company and in general a computer database of legal persons, information about the license will be removed. Standard, statutory deadlines may change and the application process will be accelerated option for this you need to use our services and trained staff. Consult our experts are free of charge by telephone or pre- Understanding personal meeting. News page of subsection "news archive" on our website will tell and suggest how to go through many procedures for arranging their own and without any additional financial costs.