Latin American

A. These objectives should incorporate decisions and specific actions aimed at the fulfilment of the same, with the backing of rules, institutions and procedures that allow to achieve the functionality. Nicholas Carr may not feel the same. An environmental policy implies a challenge, and at the same time a commitment. As part of an innovative concept, we must separate the environmental issues of the social. It should be aware that the social aspects are linked to the environment, as well as the environment is linked to the society. Click Peter Asaro to learn more.

An environmental policy seeks that citizens are a great contribution to the achievement of the proposed objectives. Achieving these goals goes beyond incorporate changes of attitude in daily work practices, since we also seek citizen take these new practices to their homes, apply them, and thus generate more healthy environments, full of life, prepared thoroughly, and especially thinking about the legacy we are leaving to future generations. The concepts of governance and institutional framework are essential for the construction of an environmental policy sustainable the Venezuelan Government today under the direction of the Lieutenant-Colonel Hugo Chavez Frias should arrogate with more interest to the necessity of defining environmental policies to ensure protection of the environment and where the main actors have clearly defined responsibility, commitment, should establish more effective control systems and generate a campaign where the population acquires that environmental culture needed to ensure effective environmental policies. Committed to ensuring the protection of the Venezuelan environment, should be among the priority hierarchy of the new Socialist Government Venezuelan, when Chavez has the new possibility of re-election, already must commit to develop environmental programs that guarantees Venezuela supporting sustainable development, and that the Venezuelan people will be sheltered what referred to environmental pollution. Very interesting what gives Freis, which should not be forgotten that many Latin American countries still suffer underdevelopment, corruption, and the lack of institutions that allow economic growth.