Interesting Attractions

You should attract even once warm other attractions that they perhaps did not know if you want to visit New York City in the winter, because it can get very cold! Snow is not uncommon. Although New York City then also does not count the frosty holiday destinations, warm clothes and boots are chubby indispensable, if one wants to spend much time outdoors. The winter New York City offers plenty of great activities and attractions in addition to snow and ice. Often offers also the possibility to flee if it turned around once too cold around the nose quickly in the warm. Ice skating in New York City: you can ice skating in the winter almost anywhere. But in New York City accepts the offer for this already legendary proportions.

If you don’t mind, to bathe in the crowd a little bit Center can get at the ice skating rink at the rock on the skids. If you want to experience New York City rather than a winter wonderland, then you will like rink in Central Park maybe still a bit better at the Wollman. From the ice rink in the Wollman Park affords views of the skyscrapers behind the perhaps even snow-covered trees in Central Park. There is a free skating rink in Bryant Park. In addition, there are several others in the vicinity of New York City. A day in a New York Museum: an excellent opportunity to escape the cold and snow in New York City, offers a visit to one of the great museums of New York City. In the Metropolitan Museum of art or the American Museum of natural history a full day is passed while maintaining it on one, quickly. You could spend several days there actually equally well and happy. Also the smaller museums of New York City, like the lower East Side tenement Museum and the Frick Collection, are home to charming collections and virtually are the ideal place to warm up briefly for a few hours.