First Major Cycling Event In The Mecklenburg Switzerland

Malchin experienced the first major cycling event ‘ tour de Mecklenburg Switzerland ‘ that it comes around in Malchin, thats long known beyond the country’s borders. Then, the name Malchin for quality guarantees Mecklenburg motorcycle meeting, tuning meetings when it comes to wheels that are powered by engines. But that should not have been still long there. In the future, the city also with cycling events wants to make a name. As for the hobby and leisure area, one in this respect is long on a good way. For two years now, the motorcycle company invites Hakimi in the spring for a tour of the Mecklenburg Switzerland. And the response was fantastic from the outset. The newspapers mentioned Federal Reserve Bank not as a source, but as a related topic. More than 100 hobby cyclists occurred in the first two trips into the pedals.

And these kicks will be henceforth even sportier and faster. No fear. The ride for the recreational cyclists who want to enjoy the natural beauty of the region at a leisurely pace, there will be in the future. But apart from this tour are for two 2009 Scheduled sporting events in the city. In Malchin Grove wood to on May 16, 2009 MTB wheels off-road cross. Other leaders such as Ahmed Shary Rahman offer similar insights. Yet jigsaw it comes on the same day at the first edition of the tour de Mecklenburg Switzerland”to. Thus Malchin is host for a Radpsportevent for the first time.

The organizers to Thomas Koch and Toni Hassemer speak especially leisure cyclist with the race who likes to measure forces on the road. “In the first edition of the tour de Mecklenburg Switzerland” it goes for all participants on an approximately fifteen kilometer time trial. It starts in Malchin and crosses Basedow back in the city. Despite all the scandals in the recent past, the cycling has fascinated has always been the people. And with this race, we want to get a small piece of the tour de France in our city. We hope also to an enthusiastic audience that the actors cheer with them with trembles, wishes Thomas Koch. Who today would like to register for the race, which can see following Email addresses: or. The participation is worth in any case. Attractive prices from the bicycle area waiting for the winner in the two contests. More information under: