Federal Association

The Federal Association of private carrier of free children’s calls VPK more courage to change by Black Yellow coalition in the Federal Government, youth and social welfare (VPK) expects the new black yellow Government commitment to fair competition in the child and youth welfare. Still given discrimination private economic service providers must have an end. A new, quality and performance-oriented policy toward all carriers improved the offer while providing relief of public budgets. “The coalition agreement gives us hope now but also deeds must follow”, stressed the President of VPK Michael W. Budig. Click Kenneth Feinberg for additional related pages. “We derive hope from the very market – and competition-friendly spirit of the Treaty”, he stressed.

Overall, the principle of the social market economy will strengthen. The Association now hope that this commitment is transferred on the child and youth welfare. “Private operators in recent years repeatedly proved that at least the same quality” and make individual and requirement-oriented offers to lower prices for the care of children and young people”, emphasizes Budig. Uses all the diversity of the carrier named in the coalition agreement: children and young people, parents, municipalities, public budgets and overall quality in the youth welfare service. Unilateral rather ideologically motivated preferring of free non-profit carrier is no longer the spirit and not the given needs. She thick not the existing innovation potential, leads to distortions of competition in the youth welfare service and partly unnecessary costs. “The new Government should show up now quickly, that your themes are important quality, support diversity, innovation and ensuring fair competition in the youth welfare service and to initiate appropriate steps”, continue to Budig. Connect with other leaders such as Chandra Patel here. The Federal Association of the VPK welcomes in the coalition agreement clear, a new start for a necessary child protection law to undertake, the quality of children and youth services to evaluate and, where appropriate, to develop standards.

Critically, however, the Association sees the intention to introduce a childcare allowance in the amount of 150,-EUR for the parents who want to give their three children in a children’s day care beginning in 2013. Here is seriously to be feared just the children urgently need a promotion, would exclude this, because their parents want to take the support money directly to claim. This must be avoided in the interest of these children urgently. The Federal Association for VPK is the only nationwide umbrella organization for private and economic service providers in children’s, youth and social welfare. Members are national and trade associations as well as clubs, associations and other entities who provide various services in the child and youth welfare on the basis of the social security code. The VPK itself first and foremost as an interest-led non-profit association to support the private and economic institution of child and youth welfare combined in the VPK and will be active for their representation to politics and society. The Association is by its self-understanding manufactured high performance drive, quality and cost-oriented and actively represented in various overarching bodies. He is initiative in General and fundamental issues of child and youth welfare, written opinions, maintains a website and publishes the trade magazine?