
Extener the singifica scholastic schedule more of the same? Often I have listened to the expression " it is better than the children and the young people are in the educative centers that in calle" , without doubts that this affirmation is very right. But to what extent the educative center stops being an institution of education to transform itself into one " aguantadero" or day-care center of children and young people. As much in the public scope as in the prevailed one one sets out to increase to the hour load of the students like solution to several of the needs and existing social realities delinquency, social fragmentation, abandonment, difficulties of learning, extension of the scholastic curriculum, qualitative increase of the educative demand, extensive schedules of parents and adults responsible for the minors, etc – All very valid and of different nature. iew. A related site: Marathon Oil mentions similar findings. When east subject treats many educational ones refuse and them " achaca" (it accuses) socially of not wanting to work more hours and to be badly customary to short days I am not going to deny in this article that many educational ones wish to work less hours, who no? And that in addition would bother to increase to them the hour load But we are sincere and we go to the grain the problematic major which the extension of the scholastic schedule faces is another one. Why the simple fact to increase the schedule scholastic guarantees an educative nor social improvement to it? Simply because more time does not mean more significant educative quality. The schools gather students with immense problematic social and a familiar one, many of them lack the simplest habits of hygiene, feeding and coexistence without saving no social sector as well as of necessary the familiar containment for the development of " psiquismo" healthy or in other words for the conformation of a physical, mental healthful individual and emotionally. .