Professional Installation

In recent years become more famous metal-tube (aluminum welding), as well as a way to bond of metal and copper pipes with pressfitting systems. This connection is one-piece, has a high degree of nadezhnostiiprochnosti. It can be walling in walls, floors, ceilings and as well as steel pipes, which are mounted by welding. Manufacturer ROTHENBERGER (ROTHENBERGER), in keeping with the times, offering whole range of professional tools for working with metal-plastic pipes, such as calibrators, electromechanical and gidravlicheskiepressy for press fittings, tube bender, and manual pipe cutter, faskosnimateli and any type of press mites that takes the consumer on the basis of the fittings and pipes used by a particular manufacturer. A prerequisite for long-term maintenance of its composition pipe is competent Preparation before installation, namely: giving it the desired shape by the junction of the fitting and ensure a perfectly circular section of pipe ends. To fulfill these requests ROTHENBERGER offers manual benders TUBE BENDER MSR for pipes from 14-32 mm, and a hydraulic tube bender ROBULL MSR for pipes from 40/50/63 mm. Both allow the bending tool to bend the pipe up to 90 degrees without changing the shape of the cross section of the tube are fitted with a collapsible design and a convenient metal compartment for the transport of small size. It is worth to pay attention to the combination tool for the joint calibration and chamfering ROGRAT MSR. This tool is wonderful and is not produced by any of the manufacturers, except Company ROTHENBERGER.

Attorney Principles

Principles – the fundamental beginning, which are based attorney rules of law. The purpose of the principles: 1. legal foresight 2. construction of new rules of law attorney Types principles: 1. General 2. GENERAL special: the principle of legality, lawyer has no right to tell an illegal way to resolve customer problems. The lawyer has no right to perform illegal to customer requirements. The lawyer has no right to disclose the lawyer-client confidentiality, even if the actions of the client illegal. SPECIAL: 1. The independence of the two. The client's interests above all else 3. Corporatism 4. The independence of the lawyer dr.advokatov 5. The principle advocate secrecy 6. Independence of the individual lawyer and the client. Guarantees – mechanisms for implementing human rights advocates. 1. Material (tax benefits, the payment of counsel at public expense) 2. Ideological (creating a positive image of the legal profession) 3. Legal (guarantee attorney secrets) A lawyer is forbidden to be an informant. 4. Ensuring the safety of a lawyer – a search in the attorney's office (you need a court decision) – the inviolability of a lawyer files – the state must take special measures to protect family and property lawyer.

Professional Appraisers

Each evaluator should invest in a compensation fund for at least 30 thousand rubles. Third, annual annual fee. The various self-regulatory organizations it ranges from 6 to 12 thousand rubles. Interestingly, some SROs intentionally create a similar competition to the capital structures, offering a more favorable membership conditions. For example, in NP COO "Siberia" is provided quarterly fee of 1 thousand rbl. Fourth, do not forget about the costs associated with professional development appraiser, with his professional growth. "Naturally, all these costs will fall on the cost of appraisal services, make them more expensive. For example, the SROs have requirements for appraisers who have every three years to improve skills at their own expense. And it's rather big money. AND it is not surprising that they affect the cost. But the demand for valuation services will in any case "- continues to Gennadi Romanenko. "As far as I know, these changes are reflected not so much as expected, despite the fact that evaluators have paid annual dues and contributions to the compensation fund in the amount of 30 rubles per person, "- says Alex Tataurov. On the pros and cons of "SRO is designed to ensure that the customer has been guaranteed more qualitative assessment. Plus the fact that now can be insured as the personal responsibility of appraisers and companies in which they work. Changes in the law are aimed primarily at protecting interests of the customer. And those things that relate to legal persons, is clearly weakened. At the regional level, we can be, not much noticeable these differences. But in Russia there will naturally be the problem. Valuers no matter how talented specialists as they are, will not be able to raise very large orders. Of course, there are individual entrepreneurs who will unite around him to many experts. But all the same legal entity gives great potential for development evaluation. Now, the legal person will be less to worry about staffing and professional growth of its employees ", – said Gennady Romanenko. Now in Russia there are 7 self-regulatory organizations ("SRO Interregional Association of Professional appraisers ',' self-regulatory organization of the Association of Russian Masters Assessment ',' self-regulatory organization of appraisers 'Siberia', "Interregional Union of Surveyors', 'self-regulatory organization" National Board of Professional Appraisers',' Society of Professional Experts and valuers' and 'Russian Society of Appraisers'), most Kirov specialists are members of the latter. I wonder what awaits appraisers in case of reorganization of these non-profit enterprises? "Cases of the reorganization of some SROs may well be. The law provides for several provisions of which may be excluded from the register of CPO. For example, if the SRO is not the number of appraisers is sustained, if marked by their poor qualifications, etc. In this situation, the evaluators can just join another SRO ", – says Alexey Tataurov. So, what has brought us new in 2008. And what of the SRO now can not escape. And it was there before (or without) the trial will now be dealt with a dispute between a client and appraiser. Formally, the same work of these organizations controls the Federal Registration Service, and Economic Development approves standards and guidelines and plans of the watch, as does its SRO responsibilities, but it is always ready to intervene and punish the already very SRO.

Polyurethane Foam And Sealants. Professionalism For The Comfort Of Your Home .

To date, one of the most pressing issues that need to eliminate every homeowner – this is a question of energy efficiency of housing. Since the energy year after year will be exceptionally more expensive, the involvement of new technologies to maintain its normal temperature in the house at the moment is no longer a whim, but a natural desire to reduce personal expenses. Of course, optimally, would conserve in the use of the building will begin with a proper base level – from the construction itself. For such use the newest achievements in the production of wall building materials, additional insulating layers in the walls, in addition to installing windows and doors are utilized professional polyurethane foam and sealants, which are distinguished by high internal characteristics. High-quality seals are characterized by significant immunity to temperature and humidity and is able to embody its mission in a wide range from -55 C to +90 C. In a similar way, the data types used in the construction chemicals the best way to satisfy all of the current needs man and his house. However, not only for the erection of another building popular aspect of the use of such materials. Many of today's owners trying to improve their own housing, built long and often over many decades, used the house. For this set brand new windows and doors made of economical methods. To install them is also needed high-quality assembly foam, which allows you to securely lock the waste heat. Consequently, the use of such material makes it possible to create a home warmer and more enjoyable, and in addition also fairly inexpensive to use. Although, of course, the involvement of this type of material – the prerogative of the workers and assemblers. If a brand-new windows while that for yourself – an unrealistic luxury, then need to apply a reliable seal that will protect from drafts and provide a home more comfortable. Of course, this solution is not particularly large, but in many cases with such an elementary option is to insulate housing for the frosty period and prepared in the meantime to change the windows or balconies warming. In any individual case is necessary to choose the options that the best way to fit directly to your home. If you really want to create a home as warm, you want to think about the major update. Thus you will be able to get a long-running result is a solid class. However, temporary means in some situations too create your home more comfortable.

Professional European Hair

European hair to the European type of hair include hair producers from southern Italy and Spain. Why only in these regions of Europe collect, process and sell the hair to build up, ask you a question. There are several reasons: first, that in Italy the idea of an artificial lengthening and making the volume of natural hair by means of attaching additional strands on the basis of keratin, which is called Euro So.Cap; second in this region have developed mass production technology for hair So.Cap and accordingly began to actively sell hair for capacity throughout Europe in the third only in that of all other regions of Europe remained a major base for the direct collection of natural hair, residents of other European countries have fairly weak and thinning hair. With regard to the characteristics of European hair, their natural colors – this is usually shades from dark blond to black. In very rare cases, you can find shades of light brown unpainted European hair, but they always present red pigment. In its structure, the hair stiffer than slavic are straight and curly. Always look shiny, vibrant and healthy. With proper care can serve long. At this stage of European hair on the capsule is one of the most popular materials for hair in Europe, as well as Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Asian hair to Asian type hair include hair from India, Pakistan and China. This type of hair is most common in the world, and this is obvious – on the territory of these countries, over half the population all over ball. In her style, her hair the same way the data have good quality and performance. The problem is that not all types of Asian hair can be used to build up customers with a European / Slavic type of hair. It is also natural colors of Asian hair type – it's very dark shades of hair. Nevertheless, the raw data of Indian hair quite favorable to adapt them for the European consumer, because initially they are soft and pliable, in consequence of their easy to pack, align, cheat. Specialists Hair Professional Ukraine always makes every effort to provide hairdressers the maximum knowledge and information, as well as to offer the highest quality hair at the best price! Hair Professional Ukraine – Cheap Hair Extensions 01004, Kiev, ul.Zhilyanskaya, 55 tel.: (066) 439-39-33, (044) 537-06-0-90

What to do if your car leaks oil

We will not go into the details of the basic units and units of the car. Let's follow the path of least resistance. In a modern car for cooling, lubrication, and operating controls, brakes and other purposes use plenty of fluids. In the specific application can handle only an experienced mechanic, and we ordinary motorists – "kettles" in it. It suffices to basics. The main thing that all the fluids differ in color, texture and flavor. The main thing in our business to know what color or that liquid, which its properties, viscosity, fluidity, and how it smells. If you find a car with your favorite spot, the first thing to note – size (the amount of leakage). Worry is if the spot size of nickels coins and more. Smaller spot size, unless it's certainly not fluid from the brake system greatly affect the performance of your car can not. They rather a signal that in the near future to diagnose, stop by the station, but now you can just be a little more closely and monitor fluid levels under the hood of most frequent leakage of fluid. You found the leak. Right not to worry. The most common spot for any car – a spot of water. We all know what the dew. Here in your car and water condensation. Usually formed by water (condensate) flows to the right of center or left center of the vehicle. This is perfectly normal and you are seeing this, you know the reasons, can now breathe easy, there is no reason to worry. Motor oil stain. Color from light to dark brown, black. Engine oil viscous substance, "fat" with a stable smell of rubber. If you find a spot to check the oil level in the engine of your car. This is easily done, the main know where the probe. If you do not know, refer to the user section and look at checking the engine oil. If the oil level is low then top up as soon as possible. Remember, never topped up oil above the level of "swing" on the dipstick. Spot the coolant (antifreeze, antifreeze). The coolant is usually watery and slimy to the touch. By color: light green, yellow, pink, blue or even purple. Spot usually appears in front of the engine or in the radiator. After the engine cools down (not before!), Check the fluid level in the radiator and the coolant expansion tank. If the level is below the minimum refill. In the absence of fluid for topping up, you can use distilled water. Attention! Do not top up with tap water, it contains minerals that can corrode the cooling system.

Blinds For Home And Office: Debriefing

So, what are the blinds and where they are used? To begin with, the blind do the decorative and protective role. Designed blinds so varied that they can be applied in virtually any room, be it an office, private home or regular apartment. Thanks to the systems of regulation, blinds perfectly controlled degree of ambient light and air flow. They understand the management, stronger and easier to clean. Shutters are made of various materials: aluminum, bamboo, wood and fabric. With a variety of materials and colors of performance, great fit blinds to any design. There are two types of blinds: vertical blinds and horizontal. Vertical blinds have won many admirers. A simple sliding system, the variety of textures and color schemes have vertical blinds elegant addition to the room. They are used as offices and residential premises. Garnish with vertical blinds, you can use curtain or combine them with any other kinds of curtains. Curtain salons offer blinds made of wood, straw, fabric and aluminum vertical blinds. Horizontal Blinds – products of horizontal lampeley different widths. Large range of colors and materials able to satisfy all tastes and complement the interior. Horizontal blinds are equipped with simple and reliable slewing lampeley. These blinds underlined the severity of business environment. In a residential area horizontal blinds will effectively control the flow of light. They can decorate any curtains, creating a feeling of comfort in home. Also, horizontal blinds are used as office partitions. Another view – roller blinds. This is a convenient and practical way to design a window in the kitchen, bedroom, children's … Roller blinds can be reflective, anti-dust and anti-bacterial. Wide color gamut allows for blinds in every room. Inside, you can order curtains blinds with scalloped edges or decorate them with a fringe. Clean roll Venetian blinds with a damp sponge, so that cleaning will not cause trouble. Blinds today is one of the most popular and practical ways of window decorations. This is an economical alternative curtains, which budget and save labor costs, complementing the interior.

New Data On Natural Swedish Cosmetics Oriflame

New companies are constantly appearing on the cosmetics market, but there are giants who compete very hard. Thanks to the excellent quality of its cosmetics firm Oriflame Swedish is one such compelling Company leaders are constantly growing, and is no longer enough for the whole territory of Sweden, to accommodate the required number of factories to meet the ever increasing demand. At the moment the company Oriflame is market for over 42 years and distributes its products in more than 60 countries around the world How did achieve a major success? Everything is simple: the nature of borrowing from the best and applying the most advanced technology, the company produces a remarkable Oriflame cosmetics. In this case the nature of any harm not apply, because all the ingredients come from renewable sources, and the finished product is always delivered in recyclable packaging. All the activities of the company organized to preserve nature, which specialists are valued and deeply respected. In addition to the above we can observe that the guarantee of quality cosmetics Oriflame can be considered also the fact that all products be tested on human volunteers, not animals. This technique helps to ensure that cosmetics will not harm your health. Product development is now you can buy not only in retail outlets. Oriflame consultant can sell you any goods which are present on the website of the section oriflame catalog. Consultants receive a percentage of sales, as well as cosmetics at a discount that for them very well. Almost anyone can do it, which is an advantage. In conclusion, it is worth saying that at such companies as Oriflame can fully rely and be confident as buy cosmetics. Modern technology, experience and best natural ingredients in combination produce the unique product that is available to everyone.

Fabric: Natural Fiber

Tissue fibers vary in composition, structure and, therefore, properties. There are two types of fibers: natural fibers and chemical fibers. The main features for classification are: chemical composition of fibers and their area of origin. Natural fibers, natural fibers have a natural origin. This group includes the fiber plant, animal and mineral origin. Natural Fiber can be divided into 4 types: Flax – a natural and environmentally-friendly vegetable fibers. The raw material for production of flax stalk is herbaceous plants of the same name. Linen hygienic, durable, soft to the touch, with good moisture and breathable properties. However, tissues of flax because of low elongation and low elastic fiber is extremely strong and wrinkle badly ironed, and sit pretty by washing. Most often the product of linen are available in natural color (from gray to beige.) Have a nice shine. You can find linen with cotton, Dacron, etc. Cotton – a natural fiber vegetable origin. Produce cotton fibers from seeds of cotton plants. On the basis of the cotton produced: satin, batiste, marlevka, cotton, denim, flannel, snatch, teak, calico, voile, percale, nainsook, organdy, pique, poplin, voile, and other tissues. The advantages of cotton are: strength, high durability, resistance to alkalis and elasticity. The fabric is warm, soft and pleasant to the touch, absorbs moisture, not electrified. The disadvantages include high sminaemost tissue from the small proportion of elastic deformation. Sometimes the tissues of cotton viscose was added, and then on their matte shine there amazing or pattern. Silk – composed of fibers of an animal (protein) of origin. Silk thread from cocoons of caterpillars get the silkworm. For group includes silk fabrics like – a veil, chiffon, crepe de chine, satin tusseh, crepe, crepe georgette, Twal, faille, taffeta, brocade, scarf, etc. Traditionally, the silk is one of the most expensive types of tissue. Products made of silk fabric is lightweight, durable, beautiful. Have a nice shiny, well-regulated body temperature. The disadvantages of silk is the fact that the fabric highly salted and sensitive to ultraviolet rays. Often to the natural silk fiber is added another kind of fiber for new interesting textures and weaves of various spectacular. It is worth noting that also produced, artificial and synthetic silks. Wool – Natural fiber animal (protein) of origin. The raw materials used hair of animals – sheep wool, camel hair, wool, llama, rabbit, etc. The group consists of woolen fabrics: serge, cloth, tweed, Boston, covert, cheviot, dyuvetin etc. Wool different animals differs quality, properties and applications. The only common characteristic of all types of hair – it’s exceptional quality to keep warm. Considerable mass of hair (94-96%) for the textile industry supplying sheep. Natural wool fabrics are soft, flexible, lightweight, breathable. The thickness of the tissue may be different, there are as thick as thin woolen material. Woven fabrics of wool almost crushed.

Balsam Promed. Natural Remedies For All

According to ancient thought, everything flows and everything changes. It is fully relevant to human existence. Something away, something appears, something is changing. Something remains unchanged. And in the midst of all this, really DC – our health. And in the distant past, one of the most important desires of any individual was the wish of full health, and even more so today. Because modern civilization has supposedly done for In order to take good health for all of us. However, improved and ways to maintain it. Still, in order to preserve the balance and return the spoiled scientific and technical progress health, we come to the faithful healer – nature. Non-standard recipes, which are described more by our ancestors, the modern professional industry upgrades – and gives a person a really good health, which we all so often one to another can ask for. The benefits of honey, propolis, wax and various natural essential oils and herbs of many – the basis in principle of any healing, so be it, or some ointment Promed anything else means. The main task of every drug or created by the people of – is to restore the natural immunity of the human body as a whole. Just to solve this problem all the actions are directed creators of various products based on ancient formulas. So, for example, Placentol operate for correction and preservation of health, including freshness, healing from a variety of complications, which in her able to happen. Among them, and wrinkles, and various other things. Probably anyone who has ever once in my life met with the fact that health is, unfortunately, do not last forever and soon squandered its resources, could bring their attention to people’s therapy. And often – disappointed. After all, natural compounds can not operate immediately, requiring much longer periods of use than traditional pills and ointments. Besides, most people’s ancient clever use of the compositions are not in a situation where the problems in general, “are you going to the wall,” and prophylactically. For example, the capsules are utilized fatty apifor main way to avoid numerous diseases. But, of course, and treatment as well. Diabetes, prostatitis, an inability to become pregnant, and various other diseases you can overcome, if used correctly compositions prepared according to ancient formulas. And in this If your health is truly able to persist for life to end.