A Note On How To Choose For Themselves A Psychoanalyst

Very exciting, and also for me the question: how to choose for themselves a therapist? Why am I so concerned about this issue that I return to it again? Because, unfortunately, more and more clients come to me with experience of working with "Masters of psychology" and I'm on my own experience I know to some serious injuries to them such experience sometimes leads to. At present the work of psychologists is not regulated or controlled in general there is no official organization. In order to deal with counseling does not require a license, then there is no one engaged in proficiency testing specialist, practitioner, and marketing their services. And that means addressing the person declares himself as a psychologist, you are not insured, even from the fact that this expert has the appropriate education. Most ordinary people do not even understand the differences between a psychologist, counselor, psychotherapist. Services market thrives even anarchy, and some debauchery. And sometimes a good outcome if you get an appointment with a person at least having at least some psychological education. Although it is scary as can be worse than outright charlatans only be a dilettante. In our town of psychological education – fashion, psychologists are released, it seems, all universities, up to the building. J And these "experts", God forbid assimilated the basis of "general psychology" – offer their services, feel free to begin to advise, correct, advise. Moreover, even in such a respectable institution as a university, there are three specializations in the Psychology Department.


How many correlates the image consumer paid advertising and the image of the buyer of goods advertised in it. What influences the effectiveness of advertising sms mailing – specific audience or the effectiveness of this method mobile marketing. A number of different companies, ranging from operators and ending with e-projects, are invited to promotional text messages on their phones and get paid for each sms money on mobile. It is assumed that in this way a certain part of the population, spending a month to 150 rubles, will be able to secure a free wireless connections. That once I find it difficult feelings. On the one hand everything is simple – it's a freebie and should be taken until the yield on the other – the facts. mts paid 0.28 rubles per received message, the other projects offered for reading advertising 1 ruble. Ie mts subscribers to pay back the bond, should receive around 15 sms per day (450 messages per month)! More favorable conditions for internet projects – 5 sms per day and 150 rubles per month on your account! At catcher and the beast runs – two proposals have found their audience. Chart database subscribers to Internet projects GSM-INFORM and OpenSMS good agreement, which gives opportunity to talk about the total audience of sms advertising: * 90% of subscribers – people aged 16 to 34 years .* 70% – male, female part of the audience is only 30% .* 50% of the audience does not work .* 80% of operating revenue is less than 20000 rubley.Takim it turns out that the average image of the recipient's sms mailing – is a student who earns a little bit, and that can not be sure that he will be able to deposit their mobile phone $ 100 at the end of the month. Or He just wants an extra bonus. And now it becomes clear that stimulate the interest of this audience directly to the content distribution is not easy! "The golden rule of advertising: Attention-Interest-Desire-Action (). So – warning! Many rashly believe that once the phone started to play your favorite tunes or vibrated in my pocket, and attention is drawn, then the job is done – now a subscriber reads advertising. But no – no interest. And when it comes to regular mailings, the interest or curiosity appears nowhere. Next is another complication. Modest graphics capabilities of sms can only convey the essence of advertising proposals should not assume that one message can be branded advertising. And then a little trick. If the advertisement is not removed, then the recipient accepts it, accepts it. And you can count on a good otklik.Takim arrive at the idea that sms delivery, devoid of interactivity (as it successfully makes the virtual operator Blyk), is informing character. It is not based on advertising images, nor the repetition. The man initially should be located for reading sms ads. And the monetary motivation while hardly proves its worth, although it remains high compared with other types of engagement in reading sms reklamy.Proekt MobileCampus.ru, created by our mobile marketing agency, showed that simple interest will send you information can significantly improve the response to the advertising sms list.

The Interviewer

A Mistake of asking the question shows up when the interviewer asks respondents using wording that is different from the recorded in the questionnaire. On how the interviewer asks a question and asks about the details, influenced by the following factors: its own view the interviewer as to what the answer is ‘right’ and waiting for replies that will ‘match’ the respondent. For example, during a conversation with a man without higher education, the interviewer may be arbitrarily replace the question ‘What kind of education your children are? ” question ‘Maybe your kids are not taught at the institute?’. This is an obvious mistake of asking the question. In most cases, a personal interview for the respondent is an entirely new experience, as a result of the interviewer becomes his main source of tips on how to behave. The interviewer should give the impression of a man who is able to understand his point of view party, and do so without rejecting his opinion. Accordingly, the inability of interviewers to be ‘on the same wavelength’ with respondent provokes the error of imposing impression. Error intervention, fraud, and fraud – the most acute problem of marketing research. The problem of fraud and deception on the part of interviewers is due to several reasons, including modest salaries, lack of control and low cultural and disciplinary level. Forgery can be very serious when fabricated will be all the interview entirely, or touching certain questions for which answers were not obtained in the course of the conversation with the respondent.

Solve Problems

Want to be successful? Want to be a leader? Well, then you should learn to solve problems. You as a leader, must be easily and quickly solve any problems. Regardless of what area of acting leader, he will encounter problems. They are simply unavoidable. Here are a few qualities that attach to the leaders with good abilities to solve problems: 1. Anticipation of the problem. Since problems are inevitable, effective leaders expect and anticipate them. He who thinks that the upcoming road will be smooth, just doomed to continually come up against trouble. If you maintain its aircraft call sign installation, but still're planning per at worst, it will always be fully prepared to meet the challenges that will arise. 2. A realistic assessment of reality. There are several ways to respond to the problem: – refuse to accept them – to accept and live with them – to accept the problem and solve it. Leaders must always do it the third way. Effective leaders always faces up to problems encountered. 3. All in order. Big mistake many people is an attempt to solve all problems at once. In the end the good of this session, no. You need to solve their problems one by one. If you face many challenges, make sure you really cope with that are doing now, and only then proceed to the next. Consider the following questions: How do you respond to problems? Quickly begin to solve it, or think 'suddenly all very '? Ability to deal effectively with problems are a result of multiple overcome these very problems. Every time you manage to solve another problem, you're a little cultivating their skills in this matter. But if you never took attempts to solve the problem, not failed and did not try again and win again, you will never become a master in this case. Here's what to do in order to learn to solve problems: 1. Look for problems. It sounds silly, but it needs to be done. Look for problems, practice. If you are able to resolve these difficulties, the other things you seem just a fairy tale and you're ready to move mountains. Your ability to cope will improved only if you will acquire a particular experience in dealing with them. 2. Surround yourself with people who can solve the problem. If you do not treat people who can easily solve the problem, then invite a the team those who are successful. You can learn a lot from them.

Is it better to Redesign A Website Or Create A New One?

Such industries as the creation of websites are always progressing. WEB-masters and designers are constantly improving methods of creation of Internet solutions, so sites created several years ago, now seems not professional and not modern. More and more companies for various reasons, have resorted to redesign their sites, but several of them major: changes in corporate policy and marketing strategy, the change range of goods sold or services, the slow work of the site and awkward navigation, the main competitors have updated their sites. But before ordering a site redesign, you need to understand precisely, first, in what amounts should be updated site, and secondly, whether to the time and money on it. Experience shows that often create a new site on the old domain name is much more profitable than to redesign the old site. When it comes to visual changes to the site of, for example, changes in corporate identity that will affect the graphics or color schemes on the Internet resource, then the optimal choice will be a visual redesign of the site. Using a flash-animation, tonal and color innovations will help revitalize the site, make it more interesting for the user and focus on the goods or services. It is the visual redesign of the site enjoys very popular because it allows quick and inexpensive to upgrade the site, which the user is perceived as a new Internet solution, and the search engine is the old site, which helps when it is moving or undertake a comprehensive Internet marketing. If the task is complex updates, then, besides the visual redesign of the site, we need to functionality changes and additions. In this case the site expanded by adding new features and increased functionality of Internet solutions. All are redesign the site and changing its structure. After a comprehensive redesign of the site, we are dealing with a completely new Internet solutions, to the old site it binds only the domain name. The process is long and not cheap, most often advantageous to order the creation of a new site and use the old domain name than the remake outdated site. Another plus is a new project that you are not constrained by any requirements or limitations of the old site, all you can start with a white sheet and bring to life the most daring ideas. The result of all above said: redesign of the site profitable to do when it comes to a small visual update site, in other cases it is expedient to create a new project on the old domain name.

Booth Time

A Production booth requires special knowledge and skills. thereforem even if your company has its own designer, we should not entrust it with full design-project of exhibition stand. It is better to refer to specialists, designers of specialized firms that sell exhibition equipment and design of exhibition stands, will do this work professionally. Exhibition booth – it’s not just a picture, but at the same time space (sometimes quite small from 6 m2, sometimes very large), and thus the designer must take into account the location of work zones and their design. Even if you go to a specialized firm for the sale of mobile exhibition stands, you too must be willing to work in order to get the result you gave, . Need to prepare terms of reference for the designer. . To review and zoning exhibition space. . Develop a concept and artistic architectural design. . The technical design of the stand. . Manufacturer of the stand. Participation in the exhibition – an important marketing event, not expensive enough only in monetary terms but also in labor costs. Every day we are faced with the exhibitors and we know that before the show, exhibitors have a great future stress event is always – and the first and the twentieth time is an important and exciting. It is therefore important at all stages of preparation for the exhibition to follow a specific algorithm. This will avoid errors, do not waste your time, money and hassle. Unfortunately, not all customers understand that the main result of this action – a positive image of member firms, which remains in the minds of visitors after the exhibition.

Making A Blog

We create the blog. How did I do? 1) Get your domain, your host Hire Central to this is to have a domain and hosting their own. So I did. I bought my domain and hosting Namecheap. It's in English because even the best companies for these products are in the U.S. or at least I do not know them in my language. But Like, I try a little longer, passing perfected my English and I have good products. If you buy your domain and hosting in different places, you must add your domain to your hosting changing the Nameserver at the place where you bought the domain. 2) Host your program WordPress.org Hosting (Hosting Account) The next step is to accommodate the hosting WordPress.org … ufff that were already big words, but looking online I found a tutorial that helped me a lot. Look for it on YouTube. It is entitled "How to install WordPress in Spanish in Less Than 10 Minutes." The explains how to install WordPress with Fantastico Deluxe is a program that is included in your Hosting: 3. Switch to Spanish in TodoWP.org Follow the instructions and really not that difficult. To my surprise, even the previous video explains step by step how to change it into Spanish. What more could you want?? 4. Change Theme Next step was to find a Theme … yes and called for the blog looks the way you want, and with so many Themes like there, the truth was a little bit difficult to choose.

Products To Sell

What product can we sell? One of the biggest problems we face at the beginning of Internet Marketing and want to further develop products for sale online is finding the right product for us. In the event that we would like to purchase an existing product line What are the possibilities that this product offers us is the level of demand that has seen resale rights and what are these, and so on.? Since every consumer always seeks to satisfy a need, solve a problem or for pleasure is therefore clear that our product will have to adapt to your requirements and suit their different facets. Surely there are guidelines or steps that you can not overlook if we want to market products online, some of them are:-a a market investigation did not look for a product to sell without a see a market that is accessible and then study the products may be of interest to its members, who want to see services supplied, their expectations and needs. Put yourself in the place of your prospective client, ask yourself what you want to receive treatment, how you want to buy the products, etc. Mainly you should keep in mind that your product is accessible and can easily find on the web. -a a NEED AND DESIRE These two words are very important because one person may have a particular need but at the same time wish a other different things so if you do not study this point we may be having a product really useful and really need to do certain jobs but really want to continue doing it the traditional way for x reason.


To date, the Flyers are the most simple and accessible information and advertising medium. Flyers – is the most popular type of printed materials, time-tested, which rapidly win the attention of a wider consumer audience. Leaflets, which are simply sheet of paper with printed information is printed on a small format without folding (folds). Printing of leaflets can be black and white or full-color, unilateral or bilateral, sometimes with illustrations. Double-sided printing allows you to include a maximum of leaflets advertising material. But the effect of such advertising also depends on the design of leaflets. Colorful leaflet on good paper has a better chance of being read. Advantages of this method of advertising influence is obvious: it is easy to give up a leaflet in the mailbox, keep on the shelves, and give directly into the hands of potential consumer in a public place, such as a subway station. Due to proper choice of distribution can reach virtually any target audience. Currently, leaflets have a very wide range of applications – it flyers and leaflets for promotions and presentations, flyers for exhibitions and direct marketing programs. Depending on the specific goals of the customer, the leaflet can be image or information, contain a specific price quote or to talk about the advantages of a product. Leaflets different relevance, timeliness, content and a sufficiently large circulation, production and dispatch distribution, as well as short-term use. With print flyers you can convey to their prospective clients about your company or service.


Briquettes can be produced from any waste. Fuel briquettes from sawdust are popular and more economical fuel and used in many countries around the world. Wood briquettes do not include any hazardous substances, including adhesives. Specially extruded under high pressure and high temperature, briquettes are shaped cylinder. Fuel briquettes have wide application and can be used for all types of furnaces, boilers central heating boilers for wood, etc., excellent burning in fireplaces, stoves, grills, etc. Briquetting waste recycling sawdust woodworking industries allows us to obtain an excellent source of energy without environmental pollution. Briquettes are made by screw pressing, do not include any hazardous substances including glues and other binding additives, ash after combustion of the briquette virtually remains. Strength gained by the substance contained in the wood – lignin, which is melted under the influence of temperature and heat. Fuel briquettes have wide application and can be used for all types of furnaces, boilers, excellent burning in fireplaces and stoves, grills and more. Good quality briquettes is the constancy of temperature during combustion, for 4 hours, also when using them, you and your clothes will stay clean in Unlike peat and coal. Marketing opportunities and where the briquettes. Fuel briquettes Pini & Kay standard are fuel efficient and have a stable customer demand. Market in Western Europe, today the main the use of briquettes are there. In particular, the photo you see a pack of briquettes produced at our facilities commissioned a German company. We also have posted pictures of burning briquettes.