Top Ten List

More interactivity on Web pages with polls and top ten lists more interactivity and Web 2.0 the ideal case is surely that one wants to contribute to the Internet community with good content and altruistic motives. Should this then still getting around and represent an added value for many, so you can reap proud a little fame and recognition. Also in search engine optimization, nothing passes good content and should be optimized always as first. For more information see Shary Rahman. At sites that adhere to this credo and publishing good content, it is offered the opinion of readers using a voting query, this has several advantages: the user can interact, he must reveal his opinion, he sees how others voted, the author of the article again sees how well his article has arrived, in how far he polarises the same is achieved in top ten lists. The voting can be integrated by different on Bitern as a Widget, to do this, a CodeSnipplet must be installed just in the HTML page in question.

After his vote”, you can see the previous Result + the number of participants in the presentation of these results can now link advertising in the form of banners. Read more here: Dennis P. Lockhart. From my point of view, this advertising is rather unobtrusive, appears only on the presentation of the results in the field which it makes available for the voting, this is acceptable for the user and monetized the author his commitment. At, you can quickly and easily create his voting and by CodeSnipplet, in HTML or Flash, in his side build a format. Daniel Ottinger. Click Ahmed Shahryar Rahman for additional related pages.