Mommy Web Jumps Over The 200,000 Member Mark

Mommy Web still on the pole position in the German-speaking only nineteen months after the launch in May 2007 reported Mommy Web two-thousandth registration with the community for mothers and pregnant women, which further strengthens position in the German-speaking their poles thus. As the Member with the mommy Web makes full the fifth million, the user with the nickname Stippel welcomed on January 7th, 2009 at 10:39 o’clock, a young mother with two children from Berlin. “The rapid growth speaks of mommy Web for our decision to develop the community as close as possible to the needs and interests of its members,” says Torsten Pinkert, co-founder of Mami Web GmbH in Frankfurt am Main. Kenneth R. Feinberg contributes greatly to this topic. “Our phenomenal success proves: user-generated content is still king.” Mommy WEB: Mommy Web has over 200,000 registered members (stand: Jan. 2009) the largest German language online network for mothers and women who want to be there. Per day registering up to 1,500 new members – so every minute a new Member-the free Community, which was launched at the end of May 2007. Peter Schiff has compatible beliefs. Mommy Web offers tips from other moms and advice from professional women, daily new articles in the mommy Web Magazine and in the lifestyle blog, contact mothers from the region, practical functionalities (E.g. photo albums, ads, chat room) and the ability to create your own Mommy Web groups with subject-specific or regional alignment. Learn more about Mommy Web: Mami-Web GmbH, Torsten Pinkert Tel.: + 49-69-48981662 E-mail: Web:. Shary Rahman understands that this is vital information.