Soft Cheeses

You ask yourself the question – what are referred to as soft cheeses? After reading this article about soft cheeses you will find many interesting things for themselves. Empirically, by visiting some restaurants in Chelyabinsk, we decided to ask employees these institutions of soft cheeses are from well-known (in the broad mass of people) the names of cheeses included in this group. What is most interesting, most of our question is puzzling. If you also had no luck with restaurants in your city then please come to our table, today we offer – soft cheeses. For soft cheeses are known to all Roquefort and Camembert.

The bulk of the soft cheeses belong to the elite classes. Depending on the way cooking, ripening time (soft varieties ripen from 2 to 6 weeks), soft cheese varieties are literally amazing variety of gourmet flavors. Experts identify several types of soft cheeses: white cheeses, blue cheeses, cheeses with natural edges and the cheeses with obmytymi edges. White cheese – are so named because of the thin white crust covered with mold, which is formed on the surface of the cheese. This mold specially cultivated by deposition of penicillin preparations. As a result of metamorphosis white cheeses get the smell of moss and damp earth and mushrooms, and have a specific taste. Outstanding representative of the white cheese is Camembert.

"Blue cheese – special production methods make the "Blue Cheese" ripen from the inside as a result of this cheese is formed on the surface coating of blue mold. "Blue cheese" in the majority for a long time kept in special basement, located deep underground. Cheese produced in this way have salty-spicy taste with mushroom flavor. The famous cheese "Roquefort" refers specifically to the group "Blue cheese." Cheeses with natural edges – made from goat's and sheep's milk. Edges of these cheeses are covered with wrinkles. Especially prized cheeses with large wrinkles, which are covered with gray-blue mold. Cheeses with young wrinkles are young and have a fruity taste. Over time, the cheese artificially "old", wrinkles increase in size, there is mold, these cheeses have a rich flavor with a hint of nuts. Among the cheeses' with natural boundaries "of the most famous – and Shavenol Crotty de Saint-Maur. Cheeses with obmytymi edges "- got its name because the process of cooking the cheese wheels are constantly washed with wine, beer or special brine. As a result of the above procedures on cheese is not "settling" the usual mold, but the favorable conditions for the bacteria get a red mold. Red mold is located on the edges of the circles of cheese, because of what it crust becomes brown or milky-orange color. Among the most familiar to Russians varieties of this group may be noted Munster and Livaro.